Thursday, September 25, 2008

Class 9/25

I definitely think today's class was helpful because it definitely helped clear up some confusions I had about some of the points Andrejevic was making in the iMedia chapter. I think it was very helpful to stay in one larger group as opposed to smaller groups because not only do I think it is good to hear everyone's opinion, but also because it gives Prof. Dean a chance to interject at any point and push our thinking further. I am just curious to see if we are going to do that for any other chapters and/or if we are going to discuss the final chapters of the book since we didn't mention really any of the last couple chapters we read for today.

Also, to go back to the guy in Geneva who didn't know there was an election going on and didn't know who was running, I am just wondering if this person had any kind of mental illness because I don't understand how one could not even realize there is an election taking place. I mean if this person just goes for a walk down the street, they may see signs for a specific candidate, or bumper stickers or hear someone talking about who they think should win with a friend. All in all I think there was a little more to the story than some guy in his house who had no idea what was going on in the world.

1 comment:

J said...

That there are bumper stickers doesn't mean folks read them or know what they mean. I guess it's possible that the guy was mentally ill--but that's not enough to explain not knowing about the election. Imagine: he's not online, only watches reality televison and sports, doesn't read, doesn't hang out with people who talk about politics...